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This book sounds really interesting. I can definitely see Young Adults finding interest in it. Many students have trouble "finding themselves" in high school and often try out different identities along the way. This reminds me of the graphic novel, "American Born Chinese". While this is very common in Young Adult Literature, I have never heard of a student faking an allergy before! From your description, I wonder why Sadie picked a peanut allergy and why her shirt is always red and not another color. Could this color symbolize something? Many teens go through multiple struggles and challenges when growing up. By having books like this, they will not feel so alone and be able to relate personally to their literature. This will additionally encourage them to read other types of books and grow as a reader. I like that this book is a graphic novel because it appeals to a lot of different readers then. I could also see it as a normal novel, however, could you? I would definitely like to read this some day. While lying is wrong and is uncared for by most, as you stated, I feel like perhaps the moral of this story will help young adults find their way through adolescents.
Wow—I can’t imagine keeping up with a lie like Peanut did! The anxiety! But then again, I certainly see why she did it.
Teenagers want to fit it, to feel a sense of belonging. Many people have a difficult time starting conversations with others (especially a school full of new people), and a life-threatening peanut allergy is a conversation starter, I suppose.
I like your inclusion of the 60-second recap of the graphic novel. The image of Peanut with her medical bracelet really illustrates her desperation to maintain her lie. Yikes.
Sadie seems to me like an extremely dislikable character. This makes me happy. Often times young adult books focus on likable characters that one is supposed to sympathize with. However, providing a reader a character who performs questionable actions creates for an interesting discussion. And although counterintuitive, having an unlikable protagonist might engage the reader more than one that is.
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