Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Jane, The Fox, and Me by Fanny Brit/ Isabelle Arsenault
In many cultures childhood and pre-adolescence are considered
havens of learning and growing. These are times when joy should be
abundant and learning continuous. What happens then, when this is not
the case? What happens when a young person struggles at such an early
point in life, how can she cope with the flaws she thinks she has and
the unhappiness that this implies?
Jane, the fox and me tells the story of Helene. Helene's age is never stated but the reader can infer that she is about 13 or 14 years old. Helene's story begins with her entering a stall only find that offensive comments have been written about her. Helene goes home and infers that the same girl who wrote the rude comments is the girl that used to be her friend. Helene puts up with the bullying in school and develops the idea that the rude comments she receives about her supposed “overweight”, are true. As such, Helene is socially withdrawn and instead finds comfort in reading Jane Eyre. One day Helene's teacher announces that there will be a class wide camping trip to celebrate the end of the school year. Helene suspects that the trip will be a another opportunity for her to be teased and bullied. At first this proves true, but soon and encounter with a fox and a peer turn Helene's life in an unsuspected direction...
This book as a whole is a great read. The book is a graphic novel that is mostly illustrated in a grey scale. Color is used to denote changes in the protagonist's emotional state. This form of storytelling is one that adds strength to the book as it relates to a middle school audience. The fact that the story is presented as a graphic novel allows the reader to be given information without the outright use of text. This is a strength because it allows the reader to develop their own feelings about the story. The general idea will be communicated but by providing pictures instead of text, a reader is allowed a measure of freedom in his/her interaction with the story. Another strength of the book is that it's focus is a teen subject with a very modern problem( as explained in this summary ). And while not every teen or pre-teen has been a victim of bullying, the book's voice handles the conflict in the voice of the protagonist and creates a sympathetic story. A final factor of the book that I believe to be a strength in the construction of the book is its straightforwardness. Jane, the fox and me spans only a couple of weeks in Helene's life and this allows a very concise handling of a complex topic. This book can be used as a great way to open discussion about the topics that are discussed and can even be used as a prelude into the delving of more complex texts.
Ultimately, I think this book is one that will foster a connection with students in elementary school and even first year high school students. The illustrative aspect of the text might encourage reluctant readers to pick up the book and explore the complex topics that are covered. Such topics include bullying about weight, misconceptions of identity, gender, and friendship. I see merit in creating a small lesson plan surrounding this text.
Jane, the fox and me tells the story of Helene. Helene's age is never stated but the reader can infer that she is about 13 or 14 years old. Helene's story begins with her entering a stall only find that offensive comments have been written about her. Helene goes home and infers that the same girl who wrote the rude comments is the girl that used to be her friend. Helene puts up with the bullying in school and develops the idea that the rude comments she receives about her supposed “overweight”, are true. As such, Helene is socially withdrawn and instead finds comfort in reading Jane Eyre. One day Helene's teacher announces that there will be a class wide camping trip to celebrate the end of the school year. Helene suspects that the trip will be a another opportunity for her to be teased and bullied. At first this proves true, but soon and encounter with a fox and a peer turn Helene's life in an unsuspected direction...
This book as a whole is a great read. The book is a graphic novel that is mostly illustrated in a grey scale. Color is used to denote changes in the protagonist's emotional state. This form of storytelling is one that adds strength to the book as it relates to a middle school audience. The fact that the story is presented as a graphic novel allows the reader to be given information without the outright use of text. This is a strength because it allows the reader to develop their own feelings about the story. The general idea will be communicated but by providing pictures instead of text, a reader is allowed a measure of freedom in his/her interaction with the story. Another strength of the book is that it's focus is a teen subject with a very modern problem( as explained in this summary ). And while not every teen or pre-teen has been a victim of bullying, the book's voice handles the conflict in the voice of the protagonist and creates a sympathetic story. A final factor of the book that I believe to be a strength in the construction of the book is its straightforwardness. Jane, the fox and me spans only a couple of weeks in Helene's life and this allows a very concise handling of a complex topic. This book can be used as a great way to open discussion about the topics that are discussed and can even be used as a prelude into the delving of more complex texts.
Ultimately, I think this book is one that will foster a connection with students in elementary school and even first year high school students. The illustrative aspect of the text might encourage reluctant readers to pick up the book and explore the complex topics that are covered. Such topics include bullying about weight, misconceptions of identity, gender, and friendship. I see merit in creating a small lesson plan surrounding this text.
First of all I would
like to say that every young adult would love to read this book in my opinion.
This is one of the funniest books I have ever read. I was not expecting the
tone of the book, so I say it can be very fun to read. The story is a little
comical with a very important topic. The author is telling her story about how
her family lied about her father being dead. I am not sure I would ever like to
be put in this situation, but George’s way of handling the situation would
encourage young adults to deal with things in a more positive way. Even through
the secrets and lies that were told to George her story is encouraging and her
positive outlook with the relationship she has with her mom is something to
learn from. This story is uplifting, because although she sees all of her mother’s
imperfections she writes how she deals with the disappointment. The cons to
this books would be that there is no true conclusion. At least for me the
conclusion was a little unjoyful. I guess since it is an autobiography and the
topic is a little complicated is expected, because the author is still pretty
young. The other thing I noticed from this book is that the title is a little
deceiving. The call to Dr. Laura does not really play of a big role in the
book. The pictures from this books were amazing. The pictures of Portland are
very interesting as well. Artist and common people would love them or hate
them. For me it was very entertaining and although the pictures are not perfect
they got their point across. I always
have fun with pictures so I believed they were great. This book would be great
if offered for young adults. Bullying exist in many schools and I believe this
book would welcome diversity and would allow those who are and want to be
different to be different. As I was reading I felt the author was young and
outgoing so I looked her up and she was. I feel that her book reflects her
amazing and brilliant smile.
I would truly recommend
this book as a fun reading so that students can learn that there are people
with dysfunctional families and that they have succeeded in life with a very
positive attitude.
Chuck Close: Facebook by Chuck Close
How underrated is the human face? The map and testament of the
conditions and experiences that someone has weathered. Those wrinkles
there on her face speak on behalf of the constant and monotone rigor
she has put up with to clothe her lifestyle. Those laugh lines scream
and laugh as they recount all the wonderful times spent smiling under
shaded parks. That gaze, situated under two furrowed brows, longs for
something dropped on the path to the present. Is a face the
communicator of its own language? Chuck Close might say, “yes”.
“Chuck Close: Facebook” is a small book that has Chuck Close
answering questions addressed to him by young middle schoolers. Some
of the questions asked are, “Why do you only paint faces?”, “Why
doesn't anyone in your art smile?” and “How do you make your
pictures loo so real?”. The book begins by explaining who Close is,
a widely known modern artist whose subject matter is the human face.
Close rose to fame by painting photorealist portraits of human faces,
all in huge scaled canvases. The book does not have a very distinct
plot, instead it presents information in question and answer format.
Questions are presented to Close and he answers them while giving
information about his trade. In the book, Close does delve into a
personal narrative, although it is a very brief one. The book also
has a very interesting interactive feature. The first couple of pages
in the book contain smaller versions of some of Close's paintings
separated into three horizontal pieces. Readers are then able to
switch these paintings around to create new views and to see how all
of Close's self portraits seem to blend together.
One of the strengths of this book is that it contains some of the works of the subject. While the text in the book has Close explaining the features of his work, there are many paintings of his that add depth to his responses. The interactive element of the book that was mentioned earlier is also a great use of illustration. These paintings are displayed with no text and as such this enhances their presentation. Another strength of the book is the Question and Answer format of presenting information. This format allows the reader (presumably one between the ages of 8-12) to really identify with the text. The questions themselves are worded in a way that they mirror the thought process of someone that age. This allows the reader to form a connection with the information being presented. Yet another strength of the book is the fact that is could easily be implemented as a one day lesson in a middle school art class. Because it is rather short and straightforward, this book could be implemented as an introduction to either Chuck Close, painting, photo-realism, or even perseverance. The book lends itself to be implemented in a variety of ways. One weakness of the book is that it does not provide a very in depth biography of Close's life. The book merely provides the reader with a timeline of events in Chuck's life. The book is more focused on providing the reader with answers to Close's art but it might be helpful to students to have access to a more in depth biography.
This book would be a text that preteens should be exposed to. The text provides students into the art world, an asset in a student's education that often goes ignored. The book creates a relationship with the reader and it efficiently explores the characteristics of Chuck Close's art. The book also gives a subtle lesson on perseverance. It is mentioned in the book that close is a paraplegic but that he still does what he loves and has become successful doing so. This message will not be lost on a young reader. It is books like these with the undertones of perseverance that might positively impact a student's learning experience.

One of the strengths of this book is that it contains some of the works of the subject. While the text in the book has Close explaining the features of his work, there are many paintings of his that add depth to his responses. The interactive element of the book that was mentioned earlier is also a great use of illustration. These paintings are displayed with no text and as such this enhances their presentation. Another strength of the book is the Question and Answer format of presenting information. This format allows the reader (presumably one between the ages of 8-12) to really identify with the text. The questions themselves are worded in a way that they mirror the thought process of someone that age. This allows the reader to form a connection with the information being presented. Yet another strength of the book is the fact that is could easily be implemented as a one day lesson in a middle school art class. Because it is rather short and straightforward, this book could be implemented as an introduction to either Chuck Close, painting, photo-realism, or even perseverance. The book lends itself to be implemented in a variety of ways. One weakness of the book is that it does not provide a very in depth biography of Close's life. The book merely provides the reader with a timeline of events in Chuck's life. The book is more focused on providing the reader with answers to Close's art but it might be helpful to students to have access to a more in depth biography.
This book would be a text that preteens should be exposed to. The text provides students into the art world, an asset in a student's education that often goes ignored. The book creates a relationship with the reader and it efficiently explores the characteristics of Chuck Close's art. The book also gives a subtle lesson on perseverance. It is mentioned in the book that close is a paraplegic but that he still does what he loves and has become successful doing so. This message will not be lost on a young reader. It is books like these with the undertones of perseverance that might positively impact a student's learning experience.
The President Has Been Shot: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy by James L. Swanson
Where were you when JFK was shot? A common question for the average American who lived during the tumultuous 1960s, but many younger generations may wonder what would compel someone to assassinate on of our most popular, yet divisive, presidents. In James Swanson's gripping minute-by-minute account of President Kennedy's murder, the author meticulously details the actions of the President and his wife on the fateful days leading up to November 22, 1963, and he intricately weaves the stories of on-lookers, as well as Lee Harvey Oswald. In fact, The President Has Been Shot is organized into two parts: Part One serves as an introduction to JFK's early years, eventual election, his inauguration, The Cuban Missile Crisis, his connection to the Civil Rights era, and the allure of the Kennedy family. Part Two, on the other hand, is dedicated to the assassination itself; having researched the day leading up to his assassination and the surreal after-math that Jacqueline faced alongside Robert Kennedy and Vice President LBJ, Swanson spares no detail, leaving the reader with the sense of despair, confusion, and impending cynicism that this horrific tragedy caused. Part of his impetus for writing this text came from the following sentiment Swanson shared with his audience: "We’ve lost touch with the emotional rawness of what
the Kennedys and America suffered on November 22nd...Don’t forget, a woman lost her husband, two children
lost their father, and America lost its president." Swanson delivered on this promise and brought humanity and grit to this sad day.
I would highly recommend this text to high school readers (and adult readers, like me who may have never formally learned about this era in a classroom). Swanson brings each person involved in JFK's personal life, administration, & murder back to life through detail and unbridled honesty. While theories abound about what may have actually happened to JFK, Swanson takes a clear stance that Lee Harvey Oswald is the only perpetrator, and he supports his argument with evidence. Young adult readers will appreciate the pictures, maps, and other resources referenced throughout the text. Each picture allows readers to envision the events Swanson describes, and historical references are described in a manner that is reader friendly and accessible to students. I would recommend this text be taught in an interdisciplinary unit; perhaps it could be connected with the Vietnam Era to illustrate the historical climate leading up to Vietnam. Alternatively, an ELA teacher may consider using this text to teach a unit about unfinished legacies. Check out this article as a possible non-fiction text to reflect on this theme. Also, I think political cartoons, much like the one above, could be a great way to discuss JFK's legacy and the historical context under which he led. Click here for a variety of political cartoons that can support the development of a unit related to The President Has Been Shot.
Of course, with the recent 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination, there is a myriad of sources that could be used to help students explore this texts and its themes. Click here to find other documentaries that could be paired with this text. If you are interested in learning more about Swanson's latest text about JFK, click here!
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Little Red Riding Hood was a farmer who drove spaceships and the Wolf a hot lupine cross species? No, probably not, but if you want to know what happens when all that collides with a half cyborg alien Cinderella then trust me this book is for you. If you're more in to coming of age stories about self acceptance; or slow forbidden romances with an unrequited love on the side; or quest novels with wicked plot twists and fast action; or even espionage, kidnappings, and alleged assassination attempts, well, this book is still for you. I have no doubt that any and every reader can find a facet of this story to follow. I found most of the characters to be fascinating and their stories generally well rounded. The book begins with some ambiguities that caused me confusion because I was reading closely (such as: how is she driving a ship down a town road? And other seeming inconsistencies, until the far future setting becomes clear,) and had not been pulled in quite enough to suspend my disbelief, however that was all resolved before it became a problem. I saw many opportunities for creative writing assignments through out the text, in the undefined history of the world. By the end of the book I had managed to discern that the United Commonwealth is indeed the future North America though the novel's references to other areas but how the name came to change and how life on the moon was discovered is left unclear in vague mentions of war. So getting students to play the role of United Commonwealth historians could prompt great interpretations of what characteristics put or society in jeopardy, and how that would carry us into global warfare. I think this novel gives young readers cause to wonder about the world around them especially the advances in technology that may be available in their lifetimes! -- This is the link is for the book's publicity page, it even has a trailer for the novel! -- This link leads to a ted talk about cyborg anthropology and a fascinating modern interpretation of what it is to be a cyborg, bringing the possibilities of the book much close to home. This site provides a look at our current space technology. The drones, satellites, and shuttles we have are not quite as advanced as those imagined by Marissa Meyer but they are impressive and checking them out along side the text would give the book another in with students who are reluctant to read.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Little Red Riding Hood was a farmer who drove spaceships and the Wolf a hot lupine cross species? No, probably not, but if you want to know what happens when all that collides with a half cyborg alien Cinderella then trust me this book is for you. If you're more in to coming of age stories about self acceptance; or slow forbidden romances with an unrequited love on the side; or quest novels with wicked plot twists and fast action; or even espionage, kidnappings, and alleged assassination attempts, well, this book is still for you. I have no doubt that any and every reader can find a facet of this story to follow. I found most of the characters to be fascinating and their stories generally well rounded. The book begins with some ambiguities that caused me confusion because I was reading closely (such as: how is she driving a ship down a town road? And other seeming inconsistencies, until the far future setting becomes clear,) and had not been pulled in quite enough to suspend my disbelief, however that was all resolved before it became a problem. I saw many opportunities for creative writing assignments through out the text, in the undefined history of the world. By the end of the book I had managed to discern that the United Commonwealth is indeed the future North America though the novel's references to other areas but how the name came to change and how life on the moon was discovered is left unclear in vague mentions of war. So getting students to play the role of United Commonwealth historians could prompt great interpretations of what characteristics put or society in jeopardy, and how that would carry us into global warfare. I think this novel gives young readers cause to wonder about the world around them especially the advances in technology that may be available in their lifetimes! -- This is the link is for the book's publicity page, it even has a trailer for the novel! -- This link leads to a ted talk about cyborg anthropology and a fascinating modern interpretation of what it is to be a cyborg, bringing the possibilities of the book much close to home. This site provides a look at our current space technology. The drones, satellites, and shuttles we have are not quite as advanced as those imagined by Marissa Meyer but they are impressive and checking them out along side the text would give the book another in with students who are reluctant to read.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Bomb: the Race to Build and Steal the World's Most Dangerous Weapon, by Steve Sheinkin
In 1938, a German chemist named Otto Hahn discovered that atoms can split--and the rest is history!
This non-fiction book describes the many factors that went into creating the atomic bomb. The author gives accounts of the scientists, political leaders, military, and spies.
This book is perfect for high school students learning about the atomic bomb for the first time and adults who know the history, but would like a wider scope. I think just enough background information is provided along with some basic science concepts to show how and why the bomb was created. The first hand accounts of witnesses, dialog, diary entries, letters, and photos allow the reader to see the emotions of the real life characters as they begin to realize the heaviness of their discovery--and how it will inevitably change the world
Picture to the right is Robert Oppenheimer (the Father of the Atomic Bomb). Oppenheimer was a brilliant man and a key player in the creation of the atomic bomb for the United States. Once the incredible destruction of the bomb was made real in Japan, Oppenheimer lobbied for the international control of nuclear power for fear of what could happen. Because he disagreed with the power hungry politics of the time, Oppenheimer's security clearance was revoked from the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
Click here to hear author Steve Sheinkin read an excerpt from Bomb.
Click here to read more about Bomb and other books by Steve Sheinkin.
Bomb reads like a thriller and has something for everyone: history buffs, science geeks, political heads, military enthusiasts, and espionage lovers!
This non-fiction book describes the many factors that went into creating the atomic bomb. The author gives accounts of the scientists, political leaders, military, and spies.
This book is perfect for high school students learning about the atomic bomb for the first time and adults who know the history, but would like a wider scope. I think just enough background information is provided along with some basic science concepts to show how and why the bomb was created. The first hand accounts of witnesses, dialog, diary entries, letters, and photos allow the reader to see the emotions of the real life characters as they begin to realize the heaviness of their discovery--and how it will inevitably change the world
Picture to the right is Robert Oppenheimer (the Father of the Atomic Bomb). Oppenheimer was a brilliant man and a key player in the creation of the atomic bomb for the United States. Once the incredible destruction of the bomb was made real in Japan, Oppenheimer lobbied for the international control of nuclear power for fear of what could happen. Because he disagreed with the power hungry politics of the time, Oppenheimer's security clearance was revoked from the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
Click here to hear author Steve Sheinkin read an excerpt from Bomb.
Click here to read more about Bomb and other books by Steve Sheinkin.
Bomb reads like a thriller and has something for everyone: history buffs, science geeks, political heads, military enthusiasts, and espionage lovers!
Why would a black man risk his life to help his country?
The answer was simple. This is my country, my children’s country, and their
children’s. It is up to me and many, many people of all races and cultures to
fight the haters and racists to make this a better place to live, said
Walter Morris, a member of The Triple Nickles.
The book is well informed using primary and secondary
sources, as well as interviews with the remaining Triple Nickles. Stones did
her research well and not leaving anything out that was important to tell the
story. Readers will find the writing engaging with the story unfolding in each
chapter. Real Black and white photos are
spread throughout, making the reading experience even better.

Click here to see the book trailer.
Click here to see the book trailer.
This is a great book to be taught in the class. I found this
teachers guide for this book. Here is a clip that can be shown in class as well
that gives a good and shorter version of the story. I think this is better for
high schoolers than middle schoolers. I also think because this is such a
powerful story I think it is important to get to know the author. Here is her
website to find more information on her and other books she has written. Also I
found this audio of her explain why she wrote the book.
Overall it was a great book. I had a hard time coming up
with weaknesses. It is a powerful story that all teachers and students should
Have you heard about the Donner Party? Well during the
Westward Expanion, they were a group of people from Illinois headed for
California in 1846. Nathan Hale’s book tells the story of the Donner-Reed
party, focusing primarily on James Reed who told the group about a short cut
that would save them more time but the short cut did the opposite. They get
stranded in the snow and have used up all of their resources but who in their
group will survive?
This book is a graphic novel; Donner Dinner Party is a great read for
middle schoolers and high schoolers. The characters are detailed, and kids will
love the executioner, who is funny! There are well-drawn maps that show their
journal that can be taught in the classroom. It is a fast read but very informative.
Like I mention I’m not a fan of the subject of history and most
kids aren't into history either but this book will want them learning more! I
found two great lesson plans for teachers to use when they teach about the
Donner Party. Also here is a project that high schoolers did on the Donner
This was my first Hazardous Tale from Nathan Hale, but it
certainly won’t be my last. Here is his blog to find more of his Hazardous
Tales. Stock this book in your classroom! You and your students are going to
enjoy this story!

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sam is not a star athlete
or popular by any means. Not that it really matters since he feels comfortable
in his skin. He may not be popular but he has a small group of great loyal
friends, who aren't popular either. He enjoys watching horror movies and writes
screenplays. Not to mention he is really smart.
His life begins to turn around when his school gets a new student from England. She is pretty and edgy. Camilla fits right into the popular crowd. She begins to show interest in Sam and his friends. He seems confused as to why she would want to hang out with him and his friends when she is already part of the popular kids. He tries to ignore her and is kind of rude to her but then she begins talking about World of Warcraft and Star Wars and their friendship starts to begin.
Their friendship begins to really blossom! But everything else around him is going wrong. His parents decide to separate, he feels that his best friend is keeping something from him; he punches one of his good friends, and kisses another girl. Will Sam and Camilla make it in the end?
His life begins to turn around when his school gets a new student from England. She is pretty and edgy. Camilla fits right into the popular crowd. She begins to show interest in Sam and his friends. He seems confused as to why she would want to hang out with him and his friends when she is already part of the popular kids. He tries to ignore her and is kind of rude to her but then she begins talking about World of Warcraft and Star Wars and their friendship starts to begin.
Their friendship begins to really blossom! But everything else around him is going wrong. His parents decide to separate, he feels that his best friend is keeping something from him; he punches one of his good friends, and kisses another girl. Will Sam and Camilla make it in the end?
I really enjoyed this book! It was funny and cute. And you
will fall in love with the characters. The strengths of the book is that it is
told from a boys point of view and teen boys will be able to relate to Sam. I feel
like there isn't many young romance novels told through a boys view and this is
a great one. Some weaknesses are that some of the references the book makes
maybe too old for current teens to understand.
An example is Sam talks about Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, The
Breakfast Club, Grease, and others. I don’t know if the generation now will now
what he is talking about. He also mentions Dr. Who which is a popular show but
not everyone knows about it.
Also his and his friends slang is different from what I am
use but the generation now may understand him. But other than that I really
enjoyed it. I think it brings up good topics like how to help a friend out. Here is a link that I found would be useful for teachers to reference if a
student is having problems with a good friend. Bullying is something that happens
in the book as well and I found a video about bullying.
One main theme is divorce. It unfortunately does happen in
families and here are two good websites for teens and parents that are going
through a divorce. Also here is a website for counselors or teachers who have a
student going through a divorce.
Overall I think this is a great book for teens to read for
fun. I don’t think it is a book to be taught in class. But I would recommend it
for a book report or project or for a student who wants to read a new book. It
is fun love story but not a book for the classroom.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Crash, by Lisa McMann
Young love, feuding families, pizza, and an ominous
vision. This is the recipe for acclaimed
young adult author Lisa McMann’s Crash, the first novel in her Visions series,
which is completed by Bang and Gasp.
Sixteen-year-old Jules is not your standard teenager. She has responsibilities that most of her peers wouldn't dream of taking on or even understanding: The responsibility to ensure a smoothly-running pizza parlor; the responsibility to function normally in a house full of her hoarder father's junk; the responsibility to stay away from Sawyer, her forbidden crush; and, of course, the responsibility to save up to nine lives. Going to the movies or mall with friends (if she even had any outside her brother and sister) is not in her realm of thinking.
Instead, her thoughts as of late are preoccupied with an unsettling impending event: a snow plow's crashing into a building, in its wake, leaving 9 body bags in the snow. And only she knows it's coming.
Every billboard, every television screen, every window reveals the event to her, playing in front of her eyes like a movie. But she knows it's not a movie, and as she receives more clues about the accident site and the victims, she tirelessly plots to halt the disaster--even if it might halt her own life.
Throughout all of the chaos of Jules' teenage life, she must avoid her childhood crush like the plague--all because of a feud between her family, the Demarcos, and Sawyer's family, the Angottis--both of whom own a rival pizza place. For this reason and more, Crash would be a wonderful novel for teachers to pair with Shakespeare's classic play Romeo and Juliet. (and connect to the most well-known family feuds in our country: 4 Bloody Family Feuds in American History)
Yes, the families of Crash are the modern-day Capulets and Montagues; the children are the ones who have the common sense to wriggle free of the idiotic, pointless feud and come together. Well, they try, anyway.
McMann's novel touches on many issues that teenagers and their families of today experience, often behind closed doors. Jules' father suffers from depression, a struggle which seems to have flipped the entire household upside down over the past years. Her brother, Trey, is gay, and often finds his family (especially Jules) to be his safe haven, as he is unaccepted by his peers. And through much of the book, we see Jules and her siblings taking on adult roles--not only physically, but also emotionally.
Crash is well-written from Jules' point of view. The teen language and phrasing that Jules uses will be relatable for adolescent readers across the country. In fact, Jules speech sounds exactly like that of some my own high school students.
One of the novel's prominent messages is to do what you know to be right, even if it may be a struggle; always give it your all. This is sometimes a difficult lesson for students to learn and apply, and this novel will assist them in understanding the importance of motivation and effort.
Please click the following link which contains an article about a teenager who takes on an adult role: Teen Shoulders Adult Responsibilities
Please click the following link which contains an article about ways for students to handle parental depression: 6 Things Every Kid Should Know
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tiger Eyes Judy Blume
![]() |
This book is an extraordinary
novel/story for all young adult literature people, who will love the
book. It is a very detailed, sad, funny and interesting story about a young 15
year old girl whose father dies. This young girl lives a hard and rough life without
her father and different changes in New Mexico. Though besides all the affects,
she is a strong girl who meets Wolf the only guy who understands her and helps
her overcome all of her fears.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
Seraphina is a musically talented girl who lives in a world
where humans and dragons co-exist. For years, they have lived at peace under a
treaty that makes requirements of both sides—one being that dragons remain in
their “human” form. Despite the treaty, there is some mistrust from both
parties, and when a nobleman is murder (which appears to be by a dragon) there
are twists and turns about who done it and who can be trusted.
Seraphina herself is what her community would call an
abomination. She is half human, half dragon. Only her father and uncle know
this truth about her. Her dragon mother died giving birth. Seraphina has dragon
scales on her arm and around her waist. She keeps this covered with layers of
clothing. Seraphina has vivid visions that cause her to faint. Her (dragon) uncle
and teacher shows her how to enter her subconscious to control these visions.
Seraphina creates a garden in her mind where several “grotesques” live. She
visits and maintains the garden regularly to insure they are all happy. For
when one is unhappy, she faints into a vision. Seraphina later realizes that
her “grotesques” are real people as she meets three of them. There connection—they
too are half human, half dragon!
Dragons are naturally intellectual and knowledgeable in
mathematics. When they take their human form, they experience human emotion.
Guilt, fear, joy, and most dangerous of all—love.
The contrast between human emotion and dragon reason is well
written. Author Rachel Hartman tests her reader’s vocabulary throughout the
book. Seraphina’s subconscious world is eerily mesmerizing. And, like in any great
book, there is a love story that develops at the perfect pace. Even for someone
who is not into “dragons”, this book is well written with amazing characters.
Although this does not do the book justice, here's a book trailer of Seraphina.
The book is on the long side and would probably not be best
is a classroom. I personally have not read much fantasy and was unsure about
the book at first. I really enjoyed it! I switched between reading and
listening to the book on CD. I think being read to is something we think of
when it comes to younger children, but I liked listening to the story and was
able to keep “reading” even while driving!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Myths Busted! By Emily Krieger

Although this quote represents a common bit of information that people hold, it's false. This is where Myths Busted! comes in. This short book, it's 206 pages long, sets out to explore common bits of information that are false. The book presents the "myth" and then provides the information that proves the myth false. The information is provided in small sentences, usually a page has no more than four sentences at a time. However, the book is illustrated with photographs and collages that decorate each set of busted myths. An example of this layout can be seen here. The book explores a wide range of myths ranging from different disciplines. For example, Myths Busted! explores myths, superstitions, and misconceptions dealing with animals, physics, history, and even gastronomy.
This small book contains a good number of strengths.Because the book is very nicely illustrated, a student who learns visually would be sure to enjoy the format of the book. Every "myth" is accompanied by a collage describing the myth in a somewhat silly depiction, and an actual photograph adding to the explanation of why that myth is false. These rich illustrations are a great way to complement the short and straightforward sentence structure used throughout the book. This sentence structure can also be a strength in the book. While some of the information deals with some very interesting concepts, it is done so in an accessible diction. One of the weaknesses that, I think, comes from the book is its very short length and its simplicity. The book just focuses on small bits of information and, as such, it does not provide enough material to be taught at length in a classroom. However, the previously mentioned strengths lend this book to be assigned to very reluctant readers. The format, subject, and illustrations of the book mean that a student unwilling to read conventionally formatted books would give this one a try.
This book, because of its simplicity, would be hard to incorporate as a class lesson. The book analyzes the idea of misinformation and some possible sources of said erroneous information. However, in my opinion, this book belongs in a younger class (12 year olds ) and should be presented in the form of independent reading.
Wilhelmina, Will for short is a creative soul. Will is an artistic girl living with her aunt who runs an antique store that was owned by her grandmother. She helps her aunt with the store whenever she can but her life wasn’t always like this. About a year ago Will moved in with her aunt Ella, after her mother and father died tragically and suddenly. Her aunt Ella is all she has left. Will has yet come to terms about her parents death, she pretty much ignores that it happened.
School just ended for the summer and Will planned on spending a quiet summer with her friends and helping her aunt out with the shop. You also learn her passion for making lamps but you find out that her passion for lambs is because she is afraid of the dark.
Unfortunately for Will she doesn't get her quiet summer but
a very eventful one. She meets a group of teens that are playing a carnival and
her and her friends decide to help but than a storm named Whitney hits her town
making the power go out for days. Now she is left to confront her fear of the
dark and to face the reality that her parents are never coming back and fall in
love all at the same.
Will & Whit by
Laura Lee Gulledge is a great graphic novel. It is well drawn and a story that
many teens can relate to. One of the main themes of the story is learning how
to cope with death. I think this is a great novel for middle school and high
school. Death unfortunately is something everyone can pretty much relate to. I
found this great blog that a teacher had her students read the book than as an
activity they made their own small graphic novel.
I also find this website that the author talks about how she
came up with the cover. I thought it would be a great activity for students to write
down what they think the story is going to be about before they read it. I honestly thought it was
going to be a love story but I was wrong. I think this would be a great lesson for
students not to judge a book by its cover.
Here is a great trailer of the book for you guys to check out as
I found this book that can be useful for teachers to read to
learn about grief and healing. I think it is good to be prepared because you never know when you will have a student experience a loss in their life.
Page by Paige is
also a graphic novel by Laura Lee Gulledge. This novel was compared to Will & Whit in many blogs I found.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Have you ever thought you were peculiar? Have you ever had a talent or the ability to do something that no one else could? Perhaps write a 12 page paper in one night or run faster than anyone else you know? In reading a new novel called Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, readers are introduced to some of the most peculiar characters they may ever see. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is a mixture of The Chronicles of Narnia, Groundhogs Day, and Supernatural all mashed up in one.
Author Ransom Riggs opens the book to us with two characters, an elderly grandfather and his 16 year old grandson named Jacob. As a small boy, Jacob's grandfather often told Jacob interesting stories about growing up in an orphanage on a mysterious island. At this orphanage, there were very peculiar children that many people did not want. These children had special talents such as being invisible, floating, and being able to lift impossibly heavy things. He also told Jacob about a monster that was out to get him but was now safe from. As a young boy, Jacob loved these stories but as he grew up, he came to the realization that they were just stories his grandfather had made up to entertain him. Or so he thought. One day, Jacob's grandfather called him in a frantic episode saying that his monster had found him and he needed help. Jacob ran to his grandfathers house, thinking it was just his old age that was playing tricks on him, but arrived to a torn apart house. Jacob looked for his grandfather and found him on the floor, bleeding, fighting for his last breath. He told Jacob, "Find the bird..." and then died. Jacob sat there confused and alone until he looked up and saw two glowing devilish eyes starring at him through the outside window. From then on, Jacob begins a quest to unravel his grandfathers past to solve his murder. Through his journey, he is confronted with many decision that lands him in a world that he never thought possible.
Below is a video made by the author, Ransom Riggs. It is actually very interesting because Riggs created a Book Trailer for Miss Peregrine. In it, he finds almost the exact replica of the house he imagined while writing his first novel.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is a great novel for Young Adult readers. It not only relates to popular genre's today such as Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia but it captivates the reader into a world that is unlike their own. With mysterious photographs scattered throughout the pages, it keeps the reader motivated and critically thinking throughout the course of the novel. This book could be used in English Language Arts to teach symbolism, foreshadowing, and examine plot twists. With its science fiction essence, it could also simply be read for pleasure.
Some weaknesses I could see this book having could be that Ransom Riggs is quite wordy throughout the novel. It almost reminded me of F. Scott Fitzgerald because he, too, loves strong descriptions and details when writing. For some readers, this could be a bore or too much for a young adult reader's attention. I could also see the cliff hanger ended be an annoyance because students would want to read the sequel in school but it could also promote further pleasure reading.

As a reviewer, I would definitely recommend this book to young adult readers. While it can be a little wordy, I really enjoyed the plot and it made me want to read until I was finished. I think this book would be great for young adult readers because it expresses that being different is not wrong. All of these peculiar children had something different about them yet they were like anyone else. They had feelings, ambitions, and experiences like any person. Many young adults face challenges with being different or feeling different but this novel shows a positive light on those aspects. Additionally, while I could see this novel being in English classes, I could also see it being read for pleasure too. Another great thing about this novel is that it has been made into a graphic novel, check that out here! This is great for students with reading problems and could be used as a differentiated instruction method for students.
To learn more about the author, Ransom Riggs, here is his own personal blog. Barnes & Nobles also had a personal interview with Riggs here, click the link to read it!
Lastly, if you want to read this novel, click here!
Author Ransom Riggs opens the book to us with two characters, an elderly grandfather and his 16 year old grandson named Jacob. As a small boy, Jacob's grandfather often told Jacob interesting stories about growing up in an orphanage on a mysterious island. At this orphanage, there were very peculiar children that many people did not want. These children had special talents such as being invisible, floating, and being able to lift impossibly heavy things. He also told Jacob about a monster that was out to get him but was now safe from. As a young boy, Jacob loved these stories but as he grew up, he came to the realization that they were just stories his grandfather had made up to entertain him. Or so he thought. One day, Jacob's grandfather called him in a frantic episode saying that his monster had found him and he needed help. Jacob ran to his grandfathers house, thinking it was just his old age that was playing tricks on him, but arrived to a torn apart house. Jacob looked for his grandfather and found him on the floor, bleeding, fighting for his last breath. He told Jacob, "Find the bird..." and then died. Jacob sat there confused and alone until he looked up and saw two glowing devilish eyes starring at him through the outside window. From then on, Jacob begins a quest to unravel his grandfathers past to solve his murder. Through his journey, he is confronted with many decision that lands him in a world that he never thought possible.
Below is a video made by the author, Ransom Riggs. It is actually very interesting because Riggs created a Book Trailer for Miss Peregrine. In it, he finds almost the exact replica of the house he imagined while writing his first novel.

Some weaknesses I could see this book having could be that Ransom Riggs is quite wordy throughout the novel. It almost reminded me of F. Scott Fitzgerald because he, too, loves strong descriptions and details when writing. For some readers, this could be a bore or too much for a young adult reader's attention. I could also see the cliff hanger ended be an annoyance because students would want to read the sequel in school but it could also promote further pleasure reading.

As a reviewer, I would definitely recommend this book to young adult readers. While it can be a little wordy, I really enjoyed the plot and it made me want to read until I was finished. I think this book would be great for young adult readers because it expresses that being different is not wrong. All of these peculiar children had something different about them yet they were like anyone else. They had feelings, ambitions, and experiences like any person. Many young adults face challenges with being different or feeling different but this novel shows a positive light on those aspects. Additionally, while I could see this novel being in English classes, I could also see it being read for pleasure too. Another great thing about this novel is that it has been made into a graphic novel, check that out here! This is great for students with reading problems and could be used as a differentiated instruction method for students.
To learn more about the author, Ransom Riggs, here is his own personal blog. Barnes & Nobles also had a personal interview with Riggs here, click the link to read it!
Lastly, if you want to read this novel, click here!
Monday, April 21, 2014
And We Stay, by Jenny Hubbard

Following these horrific events, everyone discusses guilt--the guilt of the perpetrator(s). What people rarely discuss is the guilt of those who are left behind: survivor's guilt. Readers of And We Stay are let into one young girl's struggle with living a "normal" life as a survivor.
The novel focuses on seventeen-year-old Emily Beam, who has recently lost her boyfriend, Paul, to suicide. If his suicide wasn't traumatizing enough for everyone close to him, the location and circumstance in which he chose to take his life certainly added a tragic effect. In fact, Emily cannot even mouth the word "library" anymore. Since that day, the word that used to connote peace, quiet, and tranquility has been replaced in her vocabulary with "lieberry."
A devastated and confused Emily is enrolled in a Massachusetts boarding school shortly after the tragedy. There, she is taken under the wings of her extrovert roommate and an unlikely friend, who both do everything in their power (including something pretty darn illegal!) to help Emily open up about her struggles and secrets, including one that she has kept hidden from almost everyone. Except Paul.
Paul has gone to his grave with Emily's secret, but it still weighs heavily upon her. But she realizes that the words that are so difficult to express verbally are far easier to write on paper, where she can be honest, outright, and candid. As her new school is in Amherst, the town which houses renowned poet Emily Dickinson's home, Emily has plenty of literary inspiration all around her.
Born over a century apart, Emily Beam and Emily Dickinson are kindred spirits. The novel illustrates the unique connections between the two Emilies, and Dickinson's role as Emily's muse. She finds solace in writing, her works acting as much needed therapy for a girl wildly confused by her purpose in life thus far.
The novel is told through both prose and verse, with each chapter ending with a piece of writing that Emily has composed. Emily's entries allow the reader to connect with her feelings and understand and sympathize with her struggle through different types of tragedy.
And We Stay is a wonderful book for adolescents and teachers to read alike. Everyone has experienced some sort of tragedy in his or her lifetime, some kind of loss. This novel helps readers to discover the rainbow after the storm of loss. It doesn't always appear right away, but eventually, it is visible to all.
The content of And We Stay covers day to day activities of adolescents, some of whom are struggling with their identities. What adolescent has not experienced the confusion of his or her teenage years? Of friendships? Of a sense of belonging? Adolescent readers will certainly be able to identify with Hubbard's characters.
And We Stay would make a wonderful addition to a high school English curriculum. According to Jenny Hubbard's website, her novel is a Common Core book. In fact, her site provides an extensive guide for teaching the novel in a classroom. Click here to access the pdf file.
Please visit author Jenny Hubbard's website to read about her life and other novel, Paper Covers Rock.
For information about survivor's guilt, please visit the following link (with video), which includes an individual's experience with survivor's guilt after the Aurora movie theater shooting: Survivor's Guilt
The poet Emily Dickinson is a prominent character in Hubbard's novel. Below is a video from author John Green's Crash Course Literature series covering Emily Dickinson and her poetry.
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